These is a double posting, the original was from here
I write it back here because the title and here will be the latest updated place
(Yes I do update these post again if got any changes)
Install apache & mysql & phpmyadmin :
*Update 23 Jan 2010
Software source was from Malaysia and it has problem!. So it set my source to "Main Server" (Software source download from Main Server)
Enable the www folder
This will make your be able to add new folder into the localhost
using terminal :
sudo chmod -R 777 '/var/www'
Please note that
/var/www is your root for the website
/var/www/smellynomore means
You will realize that u cant open the phpmyadmin on
This is because when you see inside
/var/www there is no
"phpmyadmin" folder
Solve it by referring here
Solve by doing this in terminal :
sudo ln -s '/usr/share/phpmyadmin' '/var/www'
Additional configuration for the mysql
When you first time install the mySQL, everything is working fine.
But then, after you reboot the PC, the mySQL server cant start.
The mySQL configuration file will be missing after boot
After some haih...checking, you will realize that file inside
"/var/run/mysqld" is missing
I solve it by this link,
Try to chown to "mysql.mysql" if owned by root, and give it a 755
It is because of the folder write permission
How to chown and chmod, please note that I dont know what happen to security issue when I done this, just want to 'make it work!'
sudo chown -R asipo '/var/run/mysqld'
sudo chmod -R 777 '/var/run/mysqld'
Load the mod_rewrite module
I google here to solve it
Using terminal :
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
After that change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All
Then, restart Apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload
Additional, command to mySQL server (check, start, restart and stop)
Setting up the cakePHP 1.2.5
There will be 2 problem
1. Warning (512): /var/www/cakemake/app/tmp/cache/ is not writable [CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 262]
2. Your tmp directory is NOT writable.
Solve by : Once again chmod 777 is not secure, yeah!
sudo chown -R asipo '/var/www/smellynomore/app/tmp'
sudo chmod -R 777 '/var/www/smellynomore/app/tmp'
Install x-debug
EDITED #2 (Feb 2011)
I dont know why lately my xdebug does not working. So I edit the php.ini file
I make the all to be "Deleopment mode" because its defaulted to "Production mode"
So I guess that is the reson, plus use this on ERROR Report
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE
After that, it will read index.html
I dont know how to change it for the thing to refer into index.php
However, this is the index.php code (simple version of mine)
<p>Select folder or file to navigate</p>
echo "<ul>";
if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
echo "<li><a href='$file'>$file<a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
If you have been wandering how I put this code into this blog. This is the place
Thus when you open your
http://localhost/index.php will get something like this
phpMyAdmin login might be annoying, solve it from here
10 Edit 28 Nov 2012
To install CURL. I follow this website
Basically, in terminal type :
sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl
Then restart the LAMP server, then test it using
var_dump(curl_version()); make sure to put
-pre- html tag around it
Note that to restart the server. Using this command seems to be even better. Feel like it was relly restarting...
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Thats all
good luck, kupo!