Monday, May 23, 2011

Buy most optimum or worth it storage drive like hard disk or flash drive or pen drive

In these post I will share some equation about "Purchasing the most optimum hard disk / flash drive"

Im not sure is anybody already found out about these but I use these equation yesterday (already know about it along time ago but never get a chance to use it and update to blog)

The equation is

Optimum value = price / size

price is the price of purchasing the hard disk
size is the hard disk size (like GB or TB)
The smallest value is the most 'optimum' or should I said 'most worth it'

How these calculation is made? How did I found out these equation?
Is based on example actually

Lets get through it!

Let say you went to shop and want to purchase a flash drive, here is the price list
50 GB = RM 100
100 GB = RM 200
150 GB = RM 300

100/50 = 2
200/100 = 2
300/150 = 2

These means, all are optimize, you can buy any size you want and they are all worth it

Example above is not the actual case, in flash drive and hard disk usually the

  • out dated will be very cheap
  • current will be normal
  • latest will be expensive

Like these
50 GB = RM 100
100 GB = RM 150
150 GB = RM 400

100/50 = 2
150/100 = 1.5 (lowest)
350/250 = 2.67

As you can see, the 100 GB will be the most worth it in this case
If the difference is like 0.1 means there is not much difference, unless you want to buy 99999 pieces. But still... 0.1?

Friday, May 6, 2011

phpmyadmin too many table in database cause pagination

Too many table will automatically create a page pagination

If you are using phpmyadmin version 3.3.9, and your table in the database is alot (about 600 table)
then the page number will appear (these called pagination in web term, I think)

These page number is quite annoying since I remember some important table name from the database and having a page number slow me down cause I search the table name by using "Ctrl + F" from Google Chrome
Thus, when I Ctrl+F and type the table name, it does not appear...

Note that phpmyadmin work best when using Google Chrome (because of its "Ctrl +F" function) compared to Firefox, Opera and Safari (I have test them all and these in only an opinion)

So, the reason behind all my problem lies in the default config @global integer $cfg['MaxTableList'] where it will do a pagination for database table (set default into display 250 table in a page)

The reason, change this and all problem solved!

So, regarding on which IDE did you use in programming, search globally (in whole project) for string name @global integer $cfg['MaxTableList']

If you are using windows with WampServer Version 2.1, the phpmyadmin program is located at C:\wamp5\apps\phpmyadmin3.3.9

If you are lazy or not have a capability to find the whole project, here is the location
C:\wamp5\apps\phpmyadmin3.3.9\libraries\config.default.php (on line 501)

thats all, hope its usefull