Wednesday, February 3, 2010

PHP trace error

PHP trace error
PHP display error stack
PHP show error stack
PHP debug error
PHP show previous error

I believe many developer is well known of this, which is debugging your PHP code.

You might realize in WAMP (windows) the error display is at the current line.
Thus, if the error happen in a function tracking it down will be hard indeed since you dont know where the function is called.

To solve this problem, developer will use debugger tool.
In this case I will recommend Xdebug.

Here some screen shot on how the xdebug looks like

To install xdebug for window is pretty easy
1. Donwload the xdebug.dll file
2. Inside the php.ini, specifiy where you put the xdebug.dll file
3. Detail of the installation can be read at the xdebug documentation itself

good luck, kupo

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