Friday, June 11, 2010

Display and Disable Super hidden file

Yuu all know most of virus is hidden and the most typical way for them to infect you PC was through portable media like pen drive or portable harddisk.
I got alot of this case when I put my portable HDD to my friend. Luckyly I got antivirus to detect them but not to remove them.

The problem is the virus file is hidden and its not just typical hidden. Its a 'Super hidden file' where your 'Tool > Folder option > Show hidden file and folder' wont help at all.
So to encounter this you must use the command line aka cmd

So, type 'cmd' at run.

Navigate the 'cmd' into the portable media. In my case is typing 'I:' which direct me into I:\>

After that type 'dir /ah' and I see the virus! which is rfg.exe and his buddy autorun.inf.

The problem is I can see it in cmd but cant see in normal view.
So I disable their 'super hidden' using cmd by typing
'attrib -s -h -r rfg.exe' and 'attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf'

After typing these 2 things and It shows. So I delete them.

Just for friendly reminder. Never double click portable media. Right click and 'Explore' is the easy safest way.

Thats it, hope its usefull

I just encounter another virus in my PenDrive but this method does not work
So this tutorial is not going to 100% solve your problem

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