Friday, July 16, 2010

PHP Display array pre print_r into list button ul li

Display array in list (collapsable)
Display array in print_r
Display array in ul li
Display array in pre

Usually in programming, when you debugging an array you will be using the pre and print_r
This is all right when the data is small. But if the array size is very large things will be hard which is happen to me lately.

So I create a function that display the array on the list. Plus this list is collapsible and it is a very simple code. Only 2 function needed

function thejavascriptrewrite()
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";

echo "
function switchme( \$theId)
\$theElement = document.getElementById(\$theId);

if( \$ == 'none'){
\$ = '';
\$ = 'none';


echo "</script>";

function arraytolist( $data, $iteration = 0, $fortheUL = null)
$idName = "someCounterId";

echo "<ul $fortheUL>";

foreach( $data as $key => $value)
if( !is_array($value)){
echo "<li>";
echo "[$key]=".$value;
echo "</li>";

$totalArray = count( $value);

echo "<li>"."<a onclick=\"switchme('$idName".$iteration."')\">$key ($totalArray)</a>";
$forNextUL = "id='$idName".$iteration."' style='display: none;'";
$iteration = arraytolist($value, $iteration, $forNextUL);
echo "</li>";

echo "</ul>";
return $iteration;

How to use?

paste this code

$data = array( 'abc', 'def', 'ghi');

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jquery from Novice to Ninja

Sitepoint offer free Ebook "Jquery from Novice to Ninja" when Spain win the World Cup and I downloaded the Ebook (9MB) for free!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

HTML CSS Change Paragraph Spacing

I do some google to change my website design to change paragraph spacing and come across to this page. Its show the link that related to it

The site is

While the reference website is

All the link given is suggesting you to using css margin.
As for me, by using this already enough
<p style="line-height: 200px;">Hello World</p>