Friday, July 16, 2010

PHP Display array pre print_r into list button ul li

Display array in list (collapsable)
Display array in print_r
Display array in ul li
Display array in pre

Usually in programming, when you debugging an array you will be using the pre and print_r
This is all right when the data is small. But if the array size is very large things will be hard which is happen to me lately.

So I create a function that display the array on the list. Plus this list is collapsible and it is a very simple code. Only 2 function needed

function thejavascriptrewrite()
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";

echo "
function switchme( \$theId)
\$theElement = document.getElementById(\$theId);

if( \$ == 'none'){
\$ = '';
\$ = 'none';


echo "</script>";

function arraytolist( $data, $iteration = 0, $fortheUL = null)
$idName = "someCounterId";

echo "<ul $fortheUL>";

foreach( $data as $key => $value)
if( !is_array($value)){
echo "<li>";
echo "[$key]=".$value;
echo "</li>";

$totalArray = count( $value);

echo "<li>"."<a onclick=\"switchme('$idName".$iteration."')\">$key ($totalArray)</a>";
$forNextUL = "id='$idName".$iteration."' style='display: none;'";
$iteration = arraytolist($value, $iteration, $forNextUL);
echo "</li>";

echo "</ul>";
return $iteration;

How to use?

paste this code

$data = array( 'abc', 'def', 'ghi');

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