Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FPDF - MutiCell - underline on each line

FPDF - MutiCell - underline on each line

Draw line under each line when new line is created when using FPDF. Or simply like picture below

Lazy to put picture


If you are using FPDF and want to make a line at the bottom of the text using Muticell, the parameter you send willl be like this

$pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello World", 'B')

Where the 'B' represent line at bottom


But if you have a case like $pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello \nWorld", 'B') //New line

or $pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World ", 'B') //Text too long auto new line

They will look like this

Lazy to put picture


And what you want is to look like this

Lazy to put picture


If you change the text into underline, it also does solve the purpose but it is not underline upon cell. It will be underline upon text

Lazy to put picture


So what left is only a tweak to the FPDF where I will tell you where to modify, which is in the function MultiCell(...) of course

First of all, I'm using FPDF version 1.53 (2004-12-31) where Olivier PLATHEY said "You may use and modify this software as you wish."

So this tweak is legal

Second, this code I write is free you may use and modify what I code as you wish. This is also 'AS IS', if anything happen dont blame me

If got bug, I dont care because with this code I already manage to get what I want


Lets start


Step 1

Go to the function MultiCell($w,$h,$txt,$border=0,$align='J',$fill=0)


Step 2

Inside there, you will see function Cell(...) is called 4 times and what you need to do is add additional code at the bottom of cell number 1 and 3

If I was correct

Cell no 1 is at line 755

Cell no 3 is at line 794


Step 3

Make the code to look like this. Make it like that at the 1st and 3rd cell


//Hassif. If you want the Multicell to have a bottom line at each text. use this
//Common border 'B' only bottom line at the end of text. Not at each line of text
if( strpos($border,'Z')){
$this->Line( $this->x, $this->y, $w+$this->x, $this->y);


Step 4

It done. So to use this feature you need to put $pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello \nWorld", 'BZ') which is additional 'Z' character


Im kind of busy right now to explain further, so later...

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