Sunday, January 30, 2011

GIMP save for web image optimize reduce size

If you are using Windows and want to upload huge picture size into the internet (or blog) optimize it first using Adobe Photoshop 'save image as web' feature. It can reduce image size and make your image to load faster!

Im using ubuntu and they dont give adobe photoshop crack for free :(
But I need adobe photoshop 'Save image as web' feature.
Ubuntu only provide me 'GIMP' but I found the same feature as a plug-in

Straight to the source. I copy from here

What is 'Save image for web' ?
Save image for web is a technology to compress the image size so it can load faster in the internet

Reduce the image quality. But this wont affect much (unless you have super vision)

Image load faster

The advantages overcome the weakness make this a good thing to share!

I was kinda lazy to write the thing back cause the source it self is already 100% fool proof

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