Saturday, January 8, 2011

using permission?

You want to use anything inside my blog post? (such as code, tutorial etc)

Here is the permission upon each categories

Read here first
1st of all, most of my post has their own reference and I post back the link where I found it. Then I copy the same thing for myself use.
Thus, if I put the link you can check if the link stated about permission to use. I think most of the time the link will be on others blog or forum so I myself not even really sure about the permission...

This is a code that I made by myself. It is FREE and also 'AS IS'
Means you can use it for anything you want and anything happen is your responsibility
No need to credit me

Something that I draw and post it here. This is my artwork and I value it. You can use it but not for commercial
Need to credit me

Right now (so far) is my own sources of picture (I make my own screen shot or from camera). You can use this picture for anything and no need to credit me. If it is not my picture then ask the owner

Opinion / Tutorial (like comparing Ubuntu and Window)
It is just an opinion and tutorial. You can use it as long as credit to me

p/s: Credit to me means if you copy the post into somewhere and telling 'this is from this link' not compulsory to ask my permission to use it or telling 'original author is asipo'

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