Friday, January 7, 2011

trying linux? try ubuntu!

I already test several linux based system and touch it on surface as 'normal user'
Normal means I use it for office, chatting and surfing

Not like awesome hacker or freaky nerd cause they are +10 level higher

So I have test
1. Ubuntu
2. Fedora
3. Redhat
4. SUSE Server Linux <-- not sure correctly spelled

Redhat and SUSE is because of my workplace, so I'm not suggesting you to use it for home. Not it leave either Ubuntu or Fedora

Straight to the point = use ubuntu


Lets start with bias
1. I have use ubuntu longer than fedora, so maybe the 'feel' make me suggesting ubuntu

Another reason, semi bias or more like personal experience / opinion
1. Ubuntu have better interface
2. Easily install and update 'FREE BUT NOT ACTUALLY FREE' driver / software
3. Better ERROR display (this is a level newbie 60% - intermediate 40%)

Other than that is nu thin much except I like fedora default wallpaper
By chance, if fedora ambassador is reading this, please do not get angry :D

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