Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Malaysia E-Hadith
Website nih bagus bagi yang tak ada buku hadith dan juga cool sebab boleh search. So boleh lah anda cari hadith-hadith tertentu yang dapat membantu
Mintak panjang umur dan murah rezeki?
Siapa orang yang betul-betul miskin?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
FPDF - MutiCell - underline on each line
FPDF - MutiCell - underline on each line
Draw line under each line when new line is created when using FPDF. Or simply like picture below
Lazy to put picture
If you are using FPDF and want to make a line at the bottom of the text using Muticell, the parameter you send willl be like this
$pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello World", 'B')
Where the 'B' represent line at bottom
But if you have a case like $pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello \nWorld", 'B') //New line
or $pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World ", 'B') //Text too long auto new line
They will look like this
Lazy to put picture
And what you want is to look like this
Lazy to put picture
If you change the text into underline, it also does solve the purpose but it is not underline upon cell. It will be underline upon text
Lazy to put picture
So what left is only a tweak to the FPDF where I will tell you where to modify, which is in the function MultiCell(...) of course
First of all, I'm using FPDF version 1.53 (2004-12-31) where Olivier PLATHEY said "You may use and modify this software as you wish."
So this tweak is legal
Second, this code I write is free you may use and modify what I code as you wish. This is also 'AS IS', if anything happen dont blame me
If got bug, I dont care because with this code I already manage to get what I want
Lets start
Step 1
Go to the function MultiCell($w,$h,$txt,$border=0,$align='J',$fill=0)
Step 2
Inside there, you will see function Cell(...) is called 4 times and what you need to do is add additional code at the bottom of cell number 1 and 3
If I was correct
Cell no 1 is at line 755
Cell no 3 is at line 794
Step 3
Make the code to look like this. Make it like that at the 1st and 3rd cell
//Hassif. If you want the Multicell to have a bottom line at each text. use this
//Common border 'B' only bottom line at the end of text. Not at each line of text
if( strpos($border,'Z')){
$this->Line( $this->x, $this->y, $w+$this->x, $this->y);
Step 4
It done. So to use this feature you need to put $pdf->MultiCell( 10, 100, "Hello \nWorld", 'BZ') which is additional 'Z' character
Im kind of busy right now to explain further, so later...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
mysql find duplicate record
SELECT email,
COUNT(email) AS NumOccurrences
FROM users
GROUP BY email
HAVING ( COUNT(email) > 1 )
SELECT email
FROM users
GROUP BY email
HAVING ( COUNT(email) = 1 )
31 May 2011
It turns out these code was pretty awesome when I want to make a dynamic drop down selection
I can make it display unique value and sorted by most use at the top
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Redhat I always use command
Last update, 25 April 2011
This is not only for Redhat, but for most of Linux machine (I think)
Source of this command is from here. I keep using them
This is a good reference for VI - Visual Editor (Command line interface for text editor)
Check folder size
du -hs /path/to/directory
Check harddisk space
List all the content within the current folder (or path)
ls OR ls -all
Remove file
rm thefilename.txt
Move file
mv thefilename.txt /home/asipo/
Delete directory and all its content
rm -rf /home/asipo/backupdocuments
Zip a file or folder
zip -r theActualFileName.txt
Unzip a file (not sure for folder)
Change folder owner
chown -R asipo.asigroup '/var/www/smellynomore/app/tmp'
Change folder permission
chmod -R 777 '/var/www/smellynomore/app/tmp'
Copy all except one folder
shopt -s extglob
cp -r A/!(B) dest_dir
Execute bin file
chmod u+x qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.05.1.bin
Connect to server and control it (Telnet / SHH I think)
ssh -p 22
Monday, October 11, 2010
Detect keyboard button press
Note that pressing 'P' will not return 'P' but they will send signal in integer called KEYCODE
This is engineering guys who did it, so we IT guys just follow. Dont questioned
To detect and return what is the KEYCODE for each button. Refer this link
Or I give you guys the code, ha
Javascript code
function callSearchPressEnter(event)
var keyCode = event.which;
if (keyCode == undefined)
keyCode = event.keyCode;
alert ("The Unicode key code is: " + keyCode);
For the HTML
bla bla bla onkeydown="callSearchPressEnter(event)"
Monday, October 4, 2010
Convert PDF into Excel or Words
Thursday, September 30, 2010
PHP ' become '
The character ' become '
Copy this ' to create this '
' is a html character special code that represent ' symbol
Means it will display correctly as ' if you see it in web browser
Simply solving the problem by html_entity_decode( "'", ENT_QUOTES)
Note that html_entity_decode( "'") will not work
I found this solution in some page (didnt remember the site URL, sorry >.<)
So what is this html_entity_decode(...) function?
It is use to convert special html character into the normal character
Detail was in
The inverse of it was htmlentities(...)
Detail was in
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Software Architecting Success Factors and Pitfalls
Software Architecting Success Factors and Pitfalls
The top critical success factors for the architecting effort that we have identified are:
The architecting effort must:
* address a strategic business objective of your key sponsor
* have a good lead architect with well-defined role and style
* have a lead architect and architecture team who are able to "sell" (lead); conversely, the organization must be willing to "buy into" (follow)
* contribute immediate value to developers (utilizers of the architecture)
The architecture is more likely to be successful if:
* there are architecture advocates at all levels of the organization
* architecture is woven into the culture
* there is customer involvement/pressure/demand
Critical Success Factors
* Interpersonal and team communication and ownership
* Leadership
* Vision
* Teamwork
* Availability of talent/resources
* Must have strong management sponsorship
* Market/business understanding
* Good match between technology and business strategy
* Customer focus
* Clear specifications including dependencies
* Simple architecture
* Deployed in phases/incrementally
* Architecture is understandable by all
* Solve at least the current problem
* Validation of requirements during each step of the process
* Project management
The architect must have the following skills:
* good domain knowledge
* good communicator/listener
* good persuader
* good project management skills
The architect must
* have a clear and compelling vision
* champion the cause
* provide constructive feedback
* Poor leadership
* Thinking at too low a level
* Poor communication inside/outside the architecture team
* Not enough "selling"
* Lack of resources/talent
* Poorly designed roles and responsibilities
* Bad design/idea
* Lack of extensibility
* Doesn't solve the project team's problems
* Lack of control/authority
* Requirements unclear, not well-defined, not signed off, changing
* Architecture team loses touch with the product team's problems
* Product team believes "we can solve it better ourselves"
* Development management not penalized for "stalling"
* Politics
PHP display all error on server
But when uploaded into the server, the error come out (even in localhost is okay)
So you need to debug at the server because only the server have the error. Mostly because of develop in Windows while server in Linux cause the error
So you need these code
Taken from
I write it here
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
I know these can be done in PHP cause I meet the code before, but until now still didnt find the 'easy copy paste' yet. So the tutorial really save my day
these code will display the error (Including Notice)
*Notice is not an error, program can still continue
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Antivirus software, comodo
Im using comodo internet security (free)
From here
If you are using kaspersky (need to pay). Im going to say yes kepersky is better
I have try bitdefender before this, still kaspersky is the best
If you want to use free anti virus software which is comodo
I going to tell you comodo has several classification in security
1. Anti virus
2. Internet security
3. Smart Defence+
what is this 3 things?
Is detect and remove virus
Its detect the virus when you open a folder or while performing a scan
After detect they will remove it
Not good antivirus software will not be able to detect a virus
Personally these comodo dont have a good antivirus so I dont install it
Internet security
It is a whole large topic with a purpose protect from Internet harm such as Hack, Spam etc etc. There is alot of way these guys do to hack so does security do to prevent. I install these feature in comodo
Smart Defense +
This is a new term in computer security. The base idea was a spam and telling you that these program abc.exe is running. Do you want to proceed? then you may decide yes or no.
Comodo are good enough to tell you that the program is safe. But still is depend on the situation. For an example, I was installing some game and they telling me is it?. If you are not computer literate you may suspect the game is a virus but most of the case, you know that what you do so you know that that is a game Im about to install so that was not a virus.
Basically this is the most important feature I need in my computer and the main reason why Im using comodo
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Fedora Install LAMP
restart the LAMP
service mysqld start
service httpd start
How to install x-debug
Install RMPFusion
install RMPFusion
Fedora cant play mp3 file
Fedora packages: failed to install signature
What is RMPFusion
If you are new to Fedora. RMPFusion is a 3rd party software source list
Means all installer that is 'FREE' but 'NOT REALLY FREE' like flash player was listed here
I create this tutorial because I cant play mp3 file because of failed to install the 3rd party software. The reason was not on the software source but on the signature key that not being teach during "how to install the 3rd party source list". Probably this is easy but IM USING WINDOWS!
Start the Tutorial
Go to
1st step - Put RMPFusion in yor list
Download the .rpm file. These file is an installer to make RMPFusion as your 3rd party source list
Note you need to Install both Free and Non-Free
2nd step - Verify the Signature
Download the signature
Import the signature
This is the link where I learn how to install (import actually) the signature
To put it simply su -c 'rpm --import NAME_OF_THE_SIGNATURE_FILE'
In my PC it will be
cd Downloads
su -c 'rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-13'
su -c 'rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-nonfree-fedora-13'
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
FPDF °C become °C
FPDF °C become °C
FPDF °C problem
FPDF symbol problem
FPDF degree celsius temperature problem
I having a bug when I create a file from FPDF the character when wrong.
The wrong is the symbol where °C become °C
I try to change the FPDF font into UTF-8 by embedding UTF-8 font into it but still problem (my database and html page display the °C correctly)
after several experimenting cause googling is failed (4 hours of stress)
the reaseon is because of my page encoding. FPDF write into the paper using 'ISO-8859-1' encoding.
Thus UTF-8 is °C and when it write it become ISO-8859-1 which is °C
So long for the chatting lets cut to the point
use utf8_decode("°C") will solve your problem. It will convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1
HOpe this help cause 'quick googling' disappoint me
Just for my own reference to converting string
Javascript change dropdown or select option value which is index
The keyword for select is more like dropdown
while the value is index
So it must be "javascriptchange dropdown index"
The purpsoe of this post is a javascript is to change the selection inside the dropdown into something you want.
Just like the dropdown above. The default value is seet to the first option which is "Hello"
When I click a certain script with value "World", the script will change the dropdown into to "World". This is what I want. Below is the code
function changeDropDown( dropdownidname, dropdownvalue)
var testingga = window.opener.document.EditView.elements[dropdownidname];
//In most case it will be document.getElementById(dropdownidname); I think
for (var i=0; i < testingga.length; i++)
if (testingga[i].value == dropdownvalue)
testingga[i].selected = true;
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Web Graph
Friday, July 16, 2010
PHP Display array pre print_r into list button ul li
Display array in list (collapsable)
Display array in print_r
Usually in programming, when you debugging an array you will be using the pre and print_r
This is all right when the data is small. But if the array size is very large things will be hard which is happen to me lately.
So I create a function that display the array on the list. Plus this list is collapsible and it is a very simple code. Only 2 function needed
function thejavascriptrewrite(){echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";echo "function switchme( \$theId){\$theElement = document.getElementById(\$theId);if( \$ == 'none'){\$ = '';}else{\$ = 'none';}}";echo "</script>";}function arraytolist( $data, $iteration = 0, $fortheUL = null){$idName = "someCounterId";echo "<ul $fortheUL>";foreach( $data as $key => $value){if( !is_array($value)){echo "<li>";echo "[$key]=".$value;echo "</li>";}else{$iteration++;$totalArray = count( $value);echo "<li>"."<a onclick=\"switchme('$idName".$iteration."')\">$key ($totalArray)</a>";$forNextUL = "id='$idName".$iteration."' style='display: none;'";$iteration = arraytolist($value, $iteration, $forNextUL);echo "</li>";}}echo "</ul>";return $iteration;}
$data = array( 'abc', 'def', 'ghi');thejavascriptrewrite();arraytolist($data);
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Jquery from Novice to Ninja
Saturday, July 3, 2010
HTML CSS Change Paragraph Spacing
The site is
While the reference website is
All the link given is suggesting you to using css margin.
As for me, by using this already enough
<p style="line-height: 200px;">Hello World</p>
Friday, June 11, 2010
Display and Disable Super hidden file
I got alot of this case when I put my portable HDD to my friend. Luckyly I got antivirus to detect them but not to remove them.
The problem is the virus file is hidden and its not just typical hidden. Its a 'Super hidden file' where your 'Tool > Folder option > Show hidden file and folder' wont help at all.
So to encounter this you must use the command line aka cmd
So, type 'cmd' at run.
Navigate the 'cmd' into the portable media. In my case is typing 'I:' which direct me into I:\>

After that type 'dir /ah' and I see the virus! which is rfg.exe and his buddy autorun.inf.
The problem is I can see it in cmd but cant see in normal view.
So I disable their 'super hidden' using cmd by typing
'attrib -s -h -r rfg.exe' and 'attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf'
After typing these 2 things and It shows. So I delete them.
Just for friendly reminder. Never double click portable media. Right click and 'Explore' is the easy safest way.
Thats it, hope its usefull
Friday, June 4, 2010
Rounded border
Here is the thing that is needed to create rounded rectangle.
This works on FF and GC. Not on IE and dont know on others
-moz-border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #D8DEEF;
border-bottom-left-radius: 20px 20px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px 20px;
border-top-left-radius: 20px 20px;
border-top-right-radius: 20px 20px;
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Playing with date
I have a field name `created` with DATETIME format like 2010-05-24 11:24:05
Using the MySQL function
SELECT NOW() give you the latest time like 2010-05-24 11:24:05
SELECT CURDATE() give you the current date like 2010-05-24
So I available command is. Lets say the current time is 2010-05-24 11:24:05
SELECT YEAR( NOW()); will return 2010
SELECT MONTH( NOW()); will return 05
SELECT DAY( NOW()); will return 24
SELECT TIME( NOW()); will return 11:24:05
SELECT HOUR( NOW()); will return 11
SELECT MINUTE( NOW()); will return 24
SELECT SECOND( NOW()); will return 05
SELECT YEAR('2010-05-24 11:24:05'); will also return 2010
To select a record in the same month
Another format is like this
SELECT name, created FROM customer
WHERE created BETWEEN '2010-01-04 00:00:00' AND '2010-01-06 00:00:00';
*Take note the field registerdate format is DATETIME()
*Take note that the date range in the between must be from low to high
These is a function to take the 'current amount from stock forecast'. Let say with these situation
15 March 2011, Gold price will be 2.0
20 March 2011, Gold price will be 2.1
30 March 2011, Gold price will be 2.2
Today is 25 March 2011. So the SQL will return "Gold price will be 2.1"
So these is the SQL
"SELECT `goldprice` FROM `vtiger_goldforecast` WHERE `datestart` <=CURDATE() ORDER BY `vtiger_goldforecast`.`datestart` DESC LIMIT 1";
Update 1.2 (25 Nov 2011) - Select a record within a date
Case: The table has start date and end date. You want to retrieve a record where today is still withing the start and end date
SELECT * FROM special eventWHERE NOW( ) BETWEEN startdate AND enddate
Thats for today, version 1.1
Going to update later
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Javascript get screen browser size resolution
Normally it would be like this
*There is a difference using screen with the link given
But this tutorial is more focus on Window size and scrolling
Creating a popup
As for concolusion. I create a popup handle
//Create a popup
function popup( link, senderId)
//Get the browser resolution
var width = getBrowserWidth();
var height = getBrowserHeight();
//alert( width + "=" + height + " - " + screen.width + "=" + screen.height);
//Reduce the screen by 20%
width = width * 0.8;
height = height * 0.8;
//Put the popup at the middle of the page
var left = (screen.width/2)-(width/2);
var top = (screen.height/2)-(height/2);
popupWindow = link, "popupWindow", "width="+width+",height="+height+",top="+top+",left="+left+",scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,directories=no");
//Change the innerHTML based on the given Id
function changeInnerHTML( elementName, theValue)
var theElement = window.opener.document.getElementById(elementName);
theElement.innerHTML = theValue;
//Change the value based on the given Id
function changeValue( elementName, theValue)
var theElement = window.opener.document.getElementById(elementName);
theElement.value = theValue;
//Get the browser width
function getBrowserWidth()
var myWidth = 0;
if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
myWidth = window.innerWidth; //Non-IE
else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
myWidth = document.body.clientWidth; //IE 4 compatible
return myWidth;
//Get the browser height
function getBrowserHeight()
var myHeight = 0;
if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
myHeight = window.innerHeight; //Non-IE
else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
myHeight = document.body.clientHeight; //IE 4 compatible
return myHeight;
Found out problem
1. Not really 'at center' if the browser zoom is not 100% (happen on FF as I found it out)
Want to use this code? its free and 'as is'
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
CakePHP iframe
lets says I have a controller name customers, inside it has 3 function which is index, add and edit.
Inside the index.ctp, i put an iframe into it
like this
<a href="customers/edit/1" target="test">HREF</a>
<iframe name="test" width="500" height="200" frameborder="1" src="customers/add"></iframe>
Tho cool part is, it will load the customer/add into the iframe and when I click the hyper link, the customers/edit/1 will load
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Install and bypass window media player 11 validation
THe problem is during the installation the installer will detect your Windows is a pirate version.
To encounter this problem I simply found an easy solution at
window media player is a better player from window because of its lightweight and nice interface. Playlist and music manager is also available.
Well, from the link given I simply give a short tutorial (repeating the same thing)
1. Download the window media player 11 at microsoft website (image below is the installer I downloaded)

2. Extract the installer wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe

3. After extract, It supposed to looks liek this

4. Run the wmfdist11.exe

5. Run the wmp11.exe

6. Restart you PC
6. And the WMP 11 is installed
Thats it
Thursday, May 13, 2010
CakePHP utf8 special character chinese character
It turns out my find('all') give me "????" for the chinese character
After some google, this is because database encoding. Its need to be utf-8
So this is the link thats help me
Conclusion is, inside the database.php put the 'encoding'
var $default = array(
'driver' => 'mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'user',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'project_name',
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'utf8'
What will happen actually is before any SQL query is executed.
It will execute this code first, I think.
"SET NAMES 'utf8'"
Just to remind something. If there is a case you table Collation/charset is not utf-8 means you will not be able to use Chinese character. So here is the tweak
ALTER TABLE 'tblcustomers' COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
And still, my website did not display the chinese character.
So I end it with
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf8"$gt;
and the problem is solve
PHP Error
where his signature says, which is use full if you don't have PHP debugging tool
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Store Password Manager
When talk about storing password in you PC, there always be a security issue.
in this case, I'm using KeePass as a Password manager
KeePass is free and highly encrypted password manager. More feature is describe in the website
You can get the link here
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
MYSQL Export
First of all, the table structure
`id` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`phonenumber` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`group` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`created` datetime default NULL,
`modified` datetime default NULL,
INSERT INTO `contacts` (`id`, `name`, `phonenumber`, `group`, `created`, `modified`) VALUES
(1, 'Mr Number 1', '0126784669', 'Customer', '2010-05-12 09:50:57', '2010-05-12 09:50:57'),
(2, 'Mrs Testing', '0136785186', 'Customer', '2010-05-12 09:50:57', '2010-05-12 09:50:57'),
(3, 'Mr Bone', '0184531256', 'Staff', '2010-05-12 09:52:41', '2010-05-12 09:52:41'),
(4, 'Mr Gray', '0104578996', 'Staff', '2010-05-12 09:52:41', '2010-05-12 09:52:41');
Here is how to export the file into .csv
This code is in many blog and other tutorial
INTO OUTFILE "C:/Documents and Settings/asipo/My Documents/Downloads/contacts.csv"
FROM contacts
WHERE `group` = 'Customer';
But most of the website I found, does not show how to create a .csv file with a extra column header description into it.
So this is how I do it
SELECT 'Id', 'Name', 'Phone Number', 'Group', 'Created', 'Modified'
FROM `contacts` LIMIT 1
INTO OUTFILE "C:/Documents and Settings/asipo/My Documents/Downloads/contacts.csv"
FROM `contacts`
As a result, you going to see somthing like this

Thats all
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Software type list
here it is. Might be useful for me later if I want to do some project
Fantastico Home
Control Panel Home
Noahs Classifieds
Content Management
Joomla 1.5
Customer Relationship
Crafty Syntax Live Help
Help Center Live
PHP Support Tickets
Support Logic Helpdesk
Support Services Manager
Discussion Boards
OS Commerce
Zen Cart
Hosting Billing
AccountLab Plus
Image Galleries
4Images Gallery
Coppermine Photo Gallery
Mailing Lists
Polls and Surveys
Advanced Poll
Project Management
Site Builders
Soholaunch Pro Edition
Templates Express
TikiWiki CMS/Groupware
Other Scripts
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Highlight table row when on mouse
Its highlight the table row when your cursor on the row
This is using CSS not using javascript.
Put this thing in your css
<style type="text/css">
.tablestes tr:hover { background-color: lime; }
.tablestes td:hover { background-color: red; }
And inside the html. name the table class into "tablestes"
<table class="tablestes">
<tr><td>Row 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 3</td></tr>
Sunday, April 4, 2010
About Me
This blog focused on something that I repeatedly used and want to remember it (got more draft than post)
If you are not a developer or programmer. This label might be useful, others will be just boring
Sunday, March 14, 2010
By pass FLV to MP3 Converter 1.5 Trial

See how to get and use it here
FLV to MP3 Converter 1.5 Trial by pass register
Skip FLV to MP3 Converter register
I'm usually listen for Trance from youtube. Since I like some of them very much, I rip it!.
After rip the FLV file I will convert it into MP3 using FLV to MP3 Converter 1.5.
This all went smoothly until the Software ask me to register aka Pruchase.
Thus, in this tutorial. It will simply tell you how to by pass FLV to MP3 converter Trial
How did I rip from youtube?
Back to the topic, after using it for 20 times (in my case). It will ask you to register

There is a way to skip it
Open registry editor and Ctrl+F (Find) for word "flv2mp3Count"
Or by manual
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > MSUpdate
After the searching is complete it should be displaying flv2mp3Count Value Data 20 in Decimal
This means, the software is checking the number of times you convert a flv into mp3. It it is more than 20 it will ask you to register

After that, double click "flv2mp3Count"
then click the "Decimal" and change the Value Data into 0
Press OK and start the "flv2mp3.exe" again it should be running fine


Additional note to make it simple.
This is some build in code i make to automatically change the registry just by clicking it
Which is using "Registry Editor".
Its already build in most of Window XP I believe.

First of all, open a new notepad.
Copy this code using and paste it into notepad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

And rename the notepad file extension name from .txt into .reg

After saving. Double click it at it should look like this

Thats all,
Hope its useful... guess not
FLV to MP3 Converter 1.5
FLV to MP3 Converter
Convert FLV into MP3
FLV to MP3
In this tutorial. I will simply tell you what software did I use to convert .FLV file into .MP3 and how did I use it
As you all known, .FLV file come when you rip a video clip from youtube.
Since I'm ripping a music, the video does not matter so this is the part where I need a converter, into .MP3 file of course
If you been wandering how did I rip the Video Clip from youtube, See here
After using it for 20 times, you need to purchase it. So this is how i skip it
So, the software that I use to convert from .FLV into .MP3 is called "FLV to MP3 Convert" version 1.5
Please note that there are many software that allow file converting. This is just one of them
You may download it from here
After download, install it

Run the application


Select the .FLV file you want to convert
(Hold crtl while clicking the file to select multiple file)

Start converting

See your result

Extra note
I also use some other FLV to MP3 Converter and realize that this FLV to MP3 produce a low quality .MP3 (64kbps, where 128kbps for typical .MP3 music)
Or its because of the the default setting since I'm using it.
Thats all,
Hope its useful... guess not
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Windows shortcut
Display or hide the Start menu
Windows logo key+L
Lock the computer
Windows logo key+BREAK
Display the System Properties dialog box
Windows logo key+D
Show the desktop
Windows logo key+M
Minimize all windows
Windows logo key+SHIFT+M
Restore minimized windows
Windows logo key+E
Open My Computer
Windows logo key+F
Search for a file or folder
CTRL+Windows logo key+F
Search for computers
Windows logo key+F1
Display Windows Help
Windows logo key+R
Open the Run dialog box
Windows logo key+U
Open Utility Manager
Monday, February 8, 2010
Reduce Firefox memory usage
Optimize Firefox memory
Firefox memory usage too high
In this chapter
I will simply teach how to reduce your Firefox memory usage.
Usually my Firefox can reach from 100k-300k memory usage. But with this, about 60-90k
Im using Firefox 3.6
Window XP Home Edition SP 3
This tutorial is actually come from aviransplace
The Setting
But here my settings. You can custom it as you want.
Refer to the aviransplace to know what is the value should be put
1. At the address bar, type "about:config" and press enter
2. browser.cache.disk.capacity = 4096
3. browser.cache.offline.capacity = 4096
4. browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers = 2
When using Firebug for developing website. I realize that the more error Firebug detect, the higher my memory consumption (and it does not go down).
To view current memory chache usage type "about:cache?device=memory" at addressbar
Additional settings.
Take a note that Firefox plug-in also can affect you memory usage.
You can check it ad Tools > Add-ons
In my case I only leave
Firebug 1.5.0
Once done. My 1 tab with google page consume me 70k memory usage
Another additional setting
In case you want a ad hock browsing. It is best for you to keep a FF with a safemode start.
Simply duplicate the Shortcut of the FF
At the new Icon Right click > Properties
And add new words "-safe-mode"
It become like this
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode
Guess what. Its 55k memory usage
Update on 22 April 20110
I think these method is already obsolete and cannot be use anymore
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
PHP trace error
PHP trace error
PHP display error stack
PHP show error stack
PHP debug error
PHP show previous error
I believe many developer is well known of this, which is debugging your PHP code.
You might realize in WAMP (windows) the error display is at the current line.
Thus, if the error happen in a function tracking it down will be hard indeed since you dont know where the function is called.
To solve this problem, developer will use debugger tool.
In this case I will recommend Xdebug.
Here some screen shot on how the xdebug looks like

To install xdebug for window is pretty easy
1. Donwload the xdebug.dll file
2. Inside the php.ini, specifiy where you put the xdebug.dll file
3. Detail of the installation can be read at the xdebug documentation itself
good luck, kupo
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
phpmyadmin blank page too many table
There might be a problem where the phpmyadmin page goes blank after when you select the database.
And if you observe, this only happen when the number of table is too many.
Like this,

This problem is actually because of the setting in your php.ini config file
The setting title is called "Resource Limits". Search for this "Resource Limits" inside the php.ini and change to this.
You can set anything as long as its more than the default.
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 256M
After that, restart the WAMP and its solved.
This problem occured on WAMP5 Version 1.7.0
Notepad 2
Its lightweight and almost similar to notepad.
Mostly, it is used by developer for quick editing.
As for me, i like it because its support syntax highlighting and show a line number
Here is where you can download it HERE
Some screen shot

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Using FTP client
Its allow you to download and upload a file into another computer.
And of course, the permission to download or upload is determine by the another computer. Lets called it as server.
First of all, is the tool required to use this FTP.
In this case I will be showing using Mozilla Firefox 3.5.7 and Core FTP Lite.
Using Mozilla Firefox
Its simple, just type the ftp URL in the URL bar. Eg:
Please note that Mozilla Firefox is only a client. Thus, you can only download a file from it(not upload)



Using Core FTP Lite (free edition)
First of all, download the software first

Once Install. Run the software and you may have something like this

Go to the Menu > File > Connect.
The ftp server is Thus, inside the HOST/IP/URL is “”.
The username and password is depends.
After all the setting, click “Connect” button.
To use the Core FTP is also easy. Just need to drag and drop for download or upload
This is a simple tutorial on how to use. There is also a lot of stuff that I didn't know. Google might help.
Please note that the exact FTP link is not.
See this website to see the FTP real URL format.
Well, its like this ftp://user:password@host:port/path
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Its let you to determine by your own to run the flash or not.
Improve your internet speed since less data is loaded into your website page
Disable annoying advertisement
How do I get this?
Its in the Firefox add on website. Just search for "Flashblock"
Or simply click HERE
The installation should be easy for Firefox.
Here some example
Flashblock on FF Addon
Flashblock on the run
Friday, January 1, 2010
Disable yahoo messanger advertisement
Please note that I have try many other way by googling such as editing the registry file and also downloading the tweak application.
And this method is available through many website either. So I just copy and paste the link HERE
At C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Open the "hosts" with notepad.
And add ""
Please not that this method can also be use to disable a lot of thing. Once I saw they use it do disable the Adobe Professional pirate version from being black listed
Thats all,
Hope its useful... guess not